
Difference between Happy and Unhappy

The unhappiest of people insists on reliving the past over and over in their imagination, constantly replaying events, conversations, and mistakes in their minds. This fixation on what has already happened prevents them from fully experiencing the present moment and moving forward in life. Instead of focusing on the potential […]

Earned not Bought

Finding peace of mind, achieving a fit body, and experiencing love are all priceless treasures that cannot be purchased with money alone. These invaluable aspects of life must be earned through dedication, hard work, and genuine effort. At the end of your life what will matter the most? Have you […]

Happiness is a choice not a result

Everyone wants happiness, but not many people know that happiness is a choice, not a result. Happiness is a state of mind that is not dependent on material possessions or external circumstances. Happiness is a choice that we make moment to moment, being aware and grateful for even the smallest […]

Overcoming challenges brings fulfillment.

As human beings, we are inherently wired to face challenges and obstacles in order to evolve and reach our full potential. It is through overcoming resistance and adversity that we are able to grow and thrive. When we are not faced with challenges, we can often feel stagnant and directionless, […]

“How do I unfreeze and start living?”

Submitted Request.. This post is an answer to a submitted question. It aims to provide help and solutions to overcome the issue. Podcast version: HERE Quote: “To overcome analysis paralysis, you don’t require additional information; you must take action.” Adding to the quote:  Taking action, even if it is imperfect […]

Searching for a feeling

I often get asked, what books to read to gain a feeling of (fill in the blank) happiness, contentment, motivation, drive, success, love, enough, worthy, etc. This may not be what you expect and might shock you but no book can make anyone feel any sort of way, good or […]

Making time to do the things

Making time to do the things. I am frequently asked about how to find the time to prioritize and accomplish certain tasks, such as xyz. While I do not possess the ability to magically extend the hours in a day, I am certain that there is no magical solution in […]

Help me get motivated!

What is motivation? Really really get down to the real meaning of the word. It is just a word or is it? Can it be bought? Does it come in a potion, lotion, a pill or a wrap? Wikipedia: Motivation is an internal state that propels individuals to engage in […]


Stop saying people, places, things, situations and circumstances make you feel any certain way. It’s not a fact, not possible, and untrue. Your feelings and how you choose to react to them are solely your own responsibility. It’s crucial to understand that external influences, including individuals, environments, objects, events, and […]

“How do I become more approachable?”

Submitted Request.. This post is an answer to a submitted question. It aims to provide help and solutions to overcome the issue. Podcast version: HERE Quote: “The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every relationship we have.“ Adding to the quote: The relationship you have with yourself […]

“Is having more responsibility in life a good thing?”

Submitted Request.. This post is an answer to a submitted question. It aims to provide help and solutions to overcome the issue. Podcast version: HERE Quote: “Your attitude and your mindset can make all the difference in how your day could be.“ Adding to the quote: We all have days […]

““How do I push myself without beating myself up?”

Submitted Request.. This post is an answer to a submitted question. It aims to provide help and solutions to overcome the issue. Podcast version: HERE Quote: “When we act out of fear paradoxically we create more of what we don’t want.“ Adding to the quote: Think about any fear that […]

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