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The Hidden Cost of Choosing the Easy Route in Habit Change

Are You Taking the Stairs?

As humans, we’re hardwired to conserve energy.

Our brain is always looking for what's easy, safe, and can create a pattern to save mental, emotional and physical energy.

This well meaning survival mechanism has served our ancestors well—but in today’s world, it often holds us back. Here's how: Studies reveal that only 2% of people intentionally choose the stairs over the escalator or elevator.

This choice isn’t just about physical effort—it’s a metaphor for how we approach challenges in life. Most people opt for the easy, familiar path, avoiding the discomfort that comes with growth.

The reality is that taking the easy path often does not result in significant progress. By skipping a workout, avoiding difficult conversations, or postponing a bold career decision, choosing the path of least resistance can keep us trapped in mediocrity.

The truth is: the easy route rarely leads to meaningful improvement. Whether it’s skipping a workout, avoiding a tough conversation, or delaying a bold career move, taking the “escalator” in life keeps us stuck in mediocrity.

What separates the 2%? They’ve embraced the mindset that every step—literal or figurative—counts toward becoming stronger, smarter, and more resilient.

Are you being intentional and choosing what's best for you not only now but for your future every day?

In a world where shortcuts seem to be the norm, it's refreshing to know that there are still a few of us who embrace the challenge of taking the stairs. But hey, who can blame the other 98%? Elevators are mighty tempting, especially after a long day at work or when you're in a hurry.

However, let me tell you why being part of the 2% is more than just a small statistic. Taking the stairs not only offers an immediate health boost by getting your blood pumping, but it also pays off in the long run. It helps rid your body of any built-up cortisol, and helps maintain your bone density, valuable muscles, and balance.

Think about it: every step you take is a small investment in your overall well-being. It's like depositing tiny drops of energy, resilience, and determination into your personal life account. And trust me, when it comes to the staircase of life, those benefits compound over time!

Taking the stairs is a metaphor for the choices we make in our professional and personal lives. It signifies our willingness to embrace challenges head-on, even when the easy way out is just a button press away. It's a mindset that sets us apart from the crowd and fuels our success.

In order to successfully change a habit, it is essential to be intentional in your actions. This means being conscious and deliberate in your choices, and actively working towards the desired change. It also requires a level of boldness, as breaking out of old patterns can be challenging and may require stepping outside of your comfort zone. By embodying the characteristics of the future version of yourself that you aspire to be, you can align your actions with your long-term goals and make lasting changes. It is important to stay committed and focused on your objectives, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks. Remember, change is a process that takes time and effort, but with determination and perseverance, you can successfully transform your habits and improve your life.

So, my fellow 98%, I challenge you to choose differently, be intentional climbing those stairs, both literally and metaphorically! Be the ones who embrace the uphill battles, knowing that they shape us into better professionals and individuals.

If you're already part of the 2%, I salute you! Feel free to share your stair-climbing stories and tips in the comments below.

If you've been stuck on the ground floor, let's have a chat! Together, we can take the stairs to new heights and achieve greatness, one step at a time.

Are you ready to understand why it is you automatically choose the elevator in an area of your life?

It’s time to challenge yourself, break free from the comfort zone, and take the stairs.

There are 3 simple reasons why you're stuck and you don't have the life you've been wanting. I've put together a free PDF guide on how to go from taking the easy path to becoming intentional towards creating your life. HERE

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