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Deeper Richer Connection to Others

The lens through which you view life is unique to you.

How does really understanding this beyond the logical sense help you in navigating relationships?

What a great question!

When we understand that every single person views the world differently through the lens that is shaped by their unique experiences, beliefs, and values, we gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity of perspectives that exist within our society.

We can become less rigid or righteous, of course that's a choice.

Each person's perception of reality is influenced by a variety of factors, including their past experiences, recurring narratives, expectations, cultural influences, personal beliefs, upbringing, and the societal norms they have internalized over time.

It is important to recognize that this choice is within our own control and can, and will have a significant impact on our relationships and overall well-being. By being open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives, we can cultivate a greater sense of understanding and empathy towards others. It is through this willingness to be flexible and humble that we can ultimately create a more harmonious and fulfilling life for ourselves and those around us.

This realization allows us to approach interactions with compassion and seek to understand, recognizing that someone else's point of view may not align with our own, and their perspective is valid. How they think and believe may differ, but this doesn't make it better or worse, right or wrong. It just is.

Embracing this diversity of thought can lead to richer deeper connections and conversations, new insights, and a greater sense of unity despite our differences. It reminds us that there is always more to learn from others and that growth often comes from stepping outside of our comfort zones and challenging our own preconceived notions.

Ultimately, recognizing and valuing the multitude of perspectives that exist in the world can lead to a more inclusive and harmonious society where everyone feels heard and understood.

Everyone's reality is made up of a multitude of experiences they have encountered, stories that play over and over, expectations, the cultures they have been exposed to, the beliefs they hold dear, how they were raised, and the rules they have consciously or non-consciously adopted and shaped throughout their life.

Everything we consume, such as types of movies, music, societal influence, books we read or listen to, and the people we choose to be around, shapes our perspective and influences our beliefs and behaviors. Understanding this makes it vital to protect your mental, emotional, and physical health, or guard it with an iron fist.

Everyone's lenses are different, and it is fascinating to explore and understand the unique perspectives that others have. By being empathetic and curious about how other people perceive their reality, we can open the door to deep connections and meaningful exchanges.

Having a difference of opinion with someone you have a connection with?

  • What would open up for you and them if you were to ask questions and be open to hearing their perspective?

Here's some questions that would actually show that you want to learn from them, understand their views, perspective, and opinions:

  • What’s your view on the situation?

  • What is the important to you about this situation?

  • What experiences might be shaping how you feel about this?

  • What are you hoping will happen in this situation? (or what outcome are you expecting)

  • What do you feel in your heart or gut when you think about this situation?

Engaging in rich, curious conversations and actively seeking to learn from those we encounter on a daily basis can be a fun and learning experience. Each person we meet has something valuable to teach us, and by embracing this mindset, we can make the most out of every interaction and grow as individuals. We can go from being rigid and demanding to being right to being flexible, curious and open to seeing things differently without any attachment to any certain view.

When we listen with an open heart the other person feels, seen, heard, and important. This often creates a safe space to share concepts and ideas, fostering deeper connections and understanding between individuals. It allows for trust and vulnerability.

Let's remember that everyone we encounter in life is brought into our path for a reason, and by being open to learning from them, we can broaden our knowledge and understanding of the world around us.


How can you be more willing and open to understanding someone that's got a different way of seeing things?

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