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Choose your Hard

Life gives us choices, and no matter which path we take, there will be challenges. But here’s the thing: You get to choose which kind of "hard" you experience.

Life is an incredible journey filled with numerous choices that we must make along the way. Each decision we make, big or small, shapes the path we take and ultimately defines who we are as individuals.

The journey of life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, but it is through these experiences and choices that we learn and grow. The ones we remember the most and learn valuable lessons are from the errors, mistakes or failures. So it's vital to view these as celebrations, "Congratulations you learned something new!"

Every choice we make is like a ripple in a pond, creating a series of events that lead us down a certain path.

Each decision we make is akin to a ripple in a pond, initiating a chain of events that guide us along a specific course.

We make choices every second of every day, from the food we eat, the water we drink (or not), the information we consume (listen, watch, read), the people we spend time around (huge impact), etc. All of these have a great impact on our mental, emotional, and physical health. Be sure to take an inventory of how well you're being conscious of these on a daily, weekly, monthly basis and adjust to ensure you're prioritizing your overall well-being. Remember, every choice you make has the power to either progress or regress from your health and happiness. So choose wisely and make self-care a top priority in your life. Your future self will thank you for it.

We become who & what we choose to be.

Every decision we make leads us down a different path, each with its own set of challenges and obstacles. However, what's truly empowering is the fact that we have the agency to choose the type of challenges we want to face. We have the power to decide which kind of "hard" we are willing to endure in order to achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams.

Choose your battles, shape your destiny, embrace challenges, and determine your path to success.

Here are some examples of "Hard's" that we all are choosing at some point:

  • Staying in your comfort zone is hard—feeling stuck, knowing you’re capable of more, but fearing the unknown. Going outside your comfort zone is hard, but you will learn so much, create a lot of memories, and it will generate a lot of opportunities.

  • Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is hard too—facing uncertainty, taking risks, and embracing change. Reaching your later years filled with regret for not taking the leap is hard, being more of a risk taker and wishing you'd lived a lot more.

  • Worrying about your health is hard—stress, regret, and the physical toll of neglect. Not worrying about your health is hard. Reaching a point where you're uncomfortable in your body and limited in what you can do is due to physical limitations and lack of confidence.

  • Making time to prioritize your well-being is hard too—exercising, making healthy choices, and committing to self-care. Not making time to prioritize your well-being is harmful because what you're not aware of and let slide can creep up and negatively impact your overall health and happiness in the long run.

  • Living with unfulfilled dreams is hard—the "what ifs," the regrets, the feeling of missed opportunities. Striving for a fulfilled life and dreams is hard; sometimes it takes time and trial and error to figure it out through trial and error.

  • Taking action toward your goals is hard too—the discipline, the persistence, and overcoming setbacks. Not taking action towards your goal is hard. It takes mental and emotional (physical too maybe) strength to overcome the fear or uncertainty that holds you back from pursuing your goals.

You have the power to choose which challenges to face, but only one path will lead to personal growth, satisfaction, and the life you desire.

Are you struggling to choose between doing something hard now or facing the consequences of a different kind of "hard" later?

Here's some coaching questions to contemplate:

  • If you were to fast-forward 5 years, which 'hard' would you regret not choosing today?

  • What is the cost of choosing the easier path now? What might you be sacrificing in the long run?

  • What’s the payoff for choosing the harder option now? What benefits might you gain by facing this challenge head-on?

  • What’s the story you’re telling yourself about why one choice feels harder than the other?

  • Are you choosing short-term comfort at the expense of long-term fulfillment?

  • What would it look like if you chose the hard path now and made it a stepping stone rather than a roadblock?

  • What hard are you willing to choose? Which one will move you closer to the person you want to become?

Let us fully embrace the challenges that we face, realize that you have a choice, take ownership of your life, and take responsibility for the choices you make each day.

It’s a choice to limit yourself.

Choosing what's hard today may test our limits and push us out of our comfort zones, but it is in these moments of discomfort that we discover our true potential and strength. We must remember that the journey may not always be easy, but the rewards that await us at the end are undoubtedly worth every ounce of effort we put in.

Face challenges head-on, with determination and courage, knowing that they are simply stepping stones towards our ultimate success and fulfillment.


Let's have a coaching conversation about the hard you're debating over! 

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