What if happiness is available right now?

Maybe you don't need that job or car or a partner or your own place to be happy.

It's fine if you do.

Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on the idea that true happiness and contentment can be found within yourself, independent of any external factors or circumstances that may come your way?

I get told all the time after stating "happiness is an inside job", "that's true" or "that makes sense".

And I used to do that as well, but lived silently in deep misery and unhappiness.

Why is that? Because I understood "happiness is an inside job" at an intellectual level, logical level but not at an experiential level.

Truly, deeply believing happiness is within is a powerful concept to consider.

Our inner peace and joy are not reliant on things outside of our control. UNLESS you're thinking and believing they do. That's a life filled with suffering.

Think about it (pun intended), when you dreamt of your dream car, finally got it, how long were you filled with joy and excitement? A week? Did that dream fade when you got the insurance bill, when the car got it's first scratch or something mechanical failed on it?

We humans are wired to adapt to a baseline of happiness.

What if a small shift in your perspective, would completely alter how you experience your life?

The notion that happiness is within us all challenges us to look inward and cultivate a sense of fulfillment that is not dependent on material possessions, relationships, or any other external sources. Instead, it invites us to explore the depths of our own being and discover the boundless potential for joy and contentment that resides within us.

  • Have you ever stopped to contemplate the limitless possibilities for happiness that lie within your own heart and mind?

Pleasure comes from external sources. Happiness is internal.

For most of my life, I thought happiness was in external things. Even now and then, I get a little confused and think I would love to have XYZ.

I am in a place in my life that I am really comfortable. I sorted out what's most important. I love myself, life and find great meaning and purpose in serving others. I have always had meaningful employment that facilitates helping people, sort of fell into it, and glad I did for it's such a blessing to be apart of people's lives when they go from being completely miserable to finding joy, happiness and fulfillment.

I prioritize my health and sleep. I balance my life out to enjoy the little things, cook, clean, I'm always there for my friends and family. I show my gratitude and appreciation for the people around me, from the cashiers I frequent, the people at the gym I go to, and the small local businesses I support. I spread kindness and make and effort to have people feel heard, seen and important, even in the small interactions.

I'm rich in spirit, and to me, that's all that matters.

Real happiness - the type that doesn't go away. Can't be stolen, removed, taken from you...

My character traits, and values guide me in my decisions in each moment, not external things, people, trends, or "shoulds".

We all experience an inner narrator in our heads who tells us that we need to achieve certain milestones in order to be happy, that we need to work hard or else we're lazy, that we're not good enough, skinny enough, or worthy enough. It tells us to worry about things that are far outside of our control... This is where I come in. I will show you how to train your inner narrator, what I call your "mind," to work for you instead of against you. Tame that inner critic to go from survival brain to paving the way to feeling happier, content, and opening doors to greater possibilities and opportunities.

I can and will support you in finding out how to love yourself, life and others unconditionally, if you are willing and courageous to ask for help!


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