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Image by Alice Donovan Rouse
Image by Andrew Neel
Image by Kalen Emsley
Image by Matthew Sleeper
Image by roya ann miller
Image by Boxed Water Is Better
Image by Ashley Whitlatch
Image by Alice Dietrich
Image by Possessed Photography
Image by Vicko Mozara
Image by Brett Jordan
Image by Elizeu Dias
Image by Jack B
Image by Markus Winkler
Image by Dino Reichmuth
Image by Alex Block
Image by Scott Goodwill
Image by Katrina Wright
Image by Brad Mills
Image by Viktor Forgacs
Image by Annie Spratt

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Voices for Change

This community is a safe space to share your thoughts, challenges, issues, barriers, successes, wins, celebrations, and ask questions. Healthy and respectful communication among members is encouraged, striving to create a supportive environment where everyone feels heard, seen, important, and valued. Feel free to express yourself and connect with others who may be going through similar experiences. Remember, you are not alone in this journey we call life.

"We continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything outside of you. The true power is sitting back and observing things with perspective. True power is restraint. If anything outside of you controls you, that means you're powerless."

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Where does the struggle originate? If it's inside of you that is good news!

when the battle is in our head that's good news, it's easy to fix and within your control

The struggle almost always originates from within ourselves, stemming from our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and stories we are buying into.

When confronted with challenges or obstacles, it can be confusing and appear that the source is something or many things coming at us from the outside.

The presence of struggle is NOT a sign of weakness. It's a smoke alarm, an alert system, a siren pointing to something that needs healing, repairing, and an upleveling of emotional intelligence. When we avoid, want to box up feelings, and throw away the key, this trigger will most definitely lay dormant and erupt like a volcano somewhere, sometime, causing even more damage, suffering, destruction, and chaos than if we had faced it head on.

It's important to acknowledge our struggles, confront them, and work through them in order to truly grow and evolve as individuals. Ignoring our emotions only leads to further pain…

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Time goes by so fast. Never miss an opportunity to tell people how much they mean to you.

kindness is contagious start the momentum. love

Time passes by no matter what and leaves you with either results or regret.

Time never pausing for anyone or anything. It is during these fleeting moments that we are presented with the opportunity to either embrace the outcomes of our actions or be burdened with the weight of regret. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of what truly matters.

Time is a precious gift, the most valuable resource we have that should not be squandered.

Each passing moment is a chance to show appreciation, express love, and extend gratitude to those who enrich our lives. Whether it be a simple thank you, a heartfelt gesture, or a kind word, these small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on those around us.

Life is full of uncertainties, grief, love, fear, excitement and surprises,…

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What belief about a problem would you need to change to feel differently about the problem?

our words and thoughts create our reality

What we think and believe about anything, problem or not is where how we feel about it comes from. Get super curious and identify your beliefs surrounding the "problem".

Ideally, having someone like me, someone who is impartial and unbiased, can be incredibly beneficial when it comes to addressing mental conflicts. A third party perspective can often provide insights that friends or family members may not be able to offer. By listening intently to the language surrounding the issue, I can help identify key phases, statement, triggers and patterns that are contributing to the conflict.

Another helpful approach is to engage in free-flow writing, where you express your deepest thoughts and feelings about the problem without any restrictions. By allowing your thoughts to flow freely, you may uncover underlying emotions or beliefs that have been buried or overlooked. Set it aside for a day and taking an objective review of…

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The Source of Healthy Personal Boundaries is Self-love and Self-respect

Building a strong love for yourself and life is important and can make your life better in many ways.

Building a strong love for yourself and life is important and can make your life better in many ways.

When you prioritize your own needs and set personal boundaries that honor and guard your mental, emotional and physical health, you are investing in your overall well-being.

When we place boulders in our schedule that honor and prioritize our needs first and foremost, and let the rest of life fall in the left over gaps, we show up with a full battery and bandwidth. We are able to give our best selves to those around us, rather than running on empty and feeling depleted, hoping that there will be time left in the day to do the things that recharge us. This belief is giving other people the best parts of you, and you're left with the scraps or leftovers.

By setting person boundaries(rules or in other words, parameters), we are…


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All emotions go up and down, we can't cry for ever, or laugh forever it always comes back to baseline.

thoughts and emotions are like clouds they come and go

All emotions are like clouds in the sky, they are consistently flowing in and out, floating by. Just as clouds come and go, emotions also come and go.

We have 40,000-80,000 thoughts a day, many are the same thoughts as the day before. We can't stop or control them, we can understand them greater and there's tremendous power felt as a result.

By becoming more aware of our thoughts and understanding them, we can begin to shift our thoughts, fueling the ones we want to create more of and create positive change in our lives as a result. This awareness allows us to harness the power within our thoughts and use them to our advantage. It is through this understanding that we can learn to train our brain to work for us rather than against us.

It's important to remember that emotions are temporary and not permanent.

We experience moments…


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When you blame a person or situation for how you feel, what are you avoiding taking responsibility for?

Blaming others is easy, shifting and understanding your own self takes courage.

By placing the blame on external factors, you are not acknowledging your own role in how you perceive and respond to certain situations.

It is important to recognize that you have the power to command your emotions and how you choose to react to different circumstances. Instead of pointing fingers, attempt to reflect on how you can take ownership of your feelings and actions, and work towards managing them in a more positive and constructive manner.

If reading this there's rejection, resistance, a feeling to not agree, that's something to be even more curious about. What's the positive intention behind the reaction of not standing in your own power and to continue to blame and complain about what other people say, think or do?

What if it's a protection? What if it's a way to brush what's needing healed or delt with off and it's leaving you emotionally dormant? You…


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Humans often avoid triggers, when we resolve them, it sets us free.

every emotion is valid, it's a symptom of thought

As funny yet complex human beings, we have a tendency to spend a significant amount of time and energy avoiding, suppressing, numbing out from and denying our emotions. We often try to escape from uncomfortable feelings by distracting ourselves with activities, substances, or even by pretending that everything is fine.

However, avoiding our emotions only leads to more inner turmoil and can prevent us from truly understanding ourselves and finding peace.

It is important to acknowledge and process our emotions in order to heal and grow as individuals. situations, people, or things that trigger us emotionally. This can be a natural response to protect ourselves from discomfort or pain. However, by constantly avoiding these triggers, we may find ourselves stuck in a cycle of fear and limitation.

Every emotion is valid, it's rooted in what you are thinking and believing in that moment, that is it. The event, person, place…

Unknown member
3 days ago

Great article! I am learning to understand my triggers, and why it elicits an uncomfortable emotion. Learning the "tools" on how understand and resolve triggers has been so valuable. No one is responsible for how I am feeling, but me!


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The only problem that needs to be solved is the belief that there is a problem that needs to be solved.

the problem is created by a mindset

This quote highlights the importance of perception and mindset in addressing challenges.

Often, our perception of a situation as a problem can be the biggest obstacle to finding a solution. By being open to seeing things from more than one angle, shifting our perspective, and embracing a more positive and proactive mindset, we can overcome obstacles more effectively and approach challenges with a sense of hope and possibility.

It is essential to recognize that sometimes what we perceive as problems are simply opportunities for learning and development. When we hit a wall or a sticky spot, it's a signal that's all. I love it when I find these because I know it's time to deepen my consciousness and look for the way through. Leaning in, versus running, hiding, suppressing, numbing out, avoiding, or just as bad, getting angry and resisting.

By getting curious we can unlock new doors and broaden…


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Are your emotions being driven by the present moment, or by old stories and fears replaying in your mind?

your past doesn't define who you are

Are your emotions being driven by the present moment, or by old stories and fears replaying in your mind?

It's important to recognize the source of our emotions in order to better understand and address them.

Knowing where they come from and how to navigate them is essential for having a healthy relationship with them and create a life that's rooted in peace(insert your own positive wording).

Sometimes our reactions are based on past experiences (known or forgotten) that have shaped our beliefs and perceptions. We don't need to know what exactly created a trigger, as this can take years to sort out and usually ends up pinning the blame on someone. This is disempowering and keeps you stuck in a negative feeling. It's like a dog chasing its tail. Simply understanding that your brain has logged an occurrence or possibly years of patterns, and a belief is formed as…

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