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Voices for Change

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The Source of Healthy Personal Boundaries is Self-love and Self-respect

Building a strong love for yourself and life is important and can make your life better in many ways.

Building a strong love for yourself and life is important and can make your life better in many ways.

When you prioritize your own needs and set personal boundaries that honor and guard your mental, emotional and physical health, you are investing in your overall well-being.

When we place boulders in our schedule that honor and prioritize our needs first and foremost, and let the rest of life fall in the left over gaps, we show up with a full battery and bandwidth. We are able to give our best selves to those around us, rather than running on empty and feeling depleted, hoping that there will be time left in the day to do the things that recharge us. This belief is giving other people the best parts of you, and you're left with the scraps or leftovers.

By setting person boundaries(rules or in other words, parameters), we are…


When you blame a person or situation for how you feel, what are you avoiding taking responsibility for?

Blaming others is easy, shifting and understanding your own self takes courage.

By placing the blame on external factors, you are not acknowledging your own role in how you perceive and respond to certain situations.

It is important to recognize that you have the power to command your emotions and how you choose to react to different circumstances. Instead of pointing fingers, attempt to reflect on how you can take ownership of your feelings and actions, and work towards managing them in a more positive and constructive manner.

If reading this there's rejection, resistance, a feeling to not agree, that's something to be even more curious about. What's the positive intention behind the reaction of not standing in your own power and to continue to blame and complain about what other people say, think or do?

What if it's a protection? What if it's a way to brush what's needing healed or delt with off and it's leaving you emotionally dormant? You…


Humans often avoid triggers, when we resolve them, it sets us free.

every emotion is valid, it's a symptom of thought

As funny yet complex human beings, we have a tendency to spend a significant amount of time and energy avoiding, suppressing, numbing out from and denying our emotions. We often try to escape from uncomfortable feelings by distracting ourselves with activities, substances, or even by pretending that everything is fine.

However, avoiding our emotions only leads to more inner turmoil and can prevent us from truly understanding ourselves and finding peace.

It is important to acknowledge and process our emotions in order to heal and grow as individuals. situations, people, or things that trigger us emotionally. This can be a natural response to protect ourselves from discomfort or pain. However, by constantly avoiding these triggers, we may find ourselves stuck in a cycle of fear and limitation.

Every emotion is valid, it's rooted in what you are thinking and believing in that moment, that is it. The event, person, place…

3 days ago

Great article! I am learning to understand my triggers, and why it elicits an uncomfortable emotion. Learning the "tools" on how understand and resolve triggers has been so valuable. No one is responsible for how I am feeling, but me!


The only problem that needs to be solved is the belief that there is a problem that needs to be solved.

the problem is created by a mindset

This quote highlights the importance of perception and mindset in addressing challenges.

Often, our perception of a situation as a problem can be the biggest obstacle to finding a solution. By being open to seeing things from more than one angle, shifting our perspective, and embracing a more positive and proactive mindset, we can overcome obstacles more effectively and approach challenges with a sense of hope and possibility.

It is essential to recognize that sometimes what we perceive as problems are simply opportunities for learning and development. When we hit a wall or a sticky spot, it's a signal that's all. I love it when I find these because I know it's time to deepen my consciousness and look for the way through. Leaning in, versus running, hiding, suppressing, numbing out, avoiding, or just as bad, getting angry and resisting.

By getting curious we can unlock new doors and broaden…


What's a conflict you're struggling with? Example. I love my body, BUT I will eat and drink what I want.

Eating healthy will not over ride the strong feeling of "loving food"

One common conflict that many people struggle with is the battle between wanting to love and accept their body, while also wanting to indulge in whatever food and drink they desire. This inner conflict of "I love my body, BUT I will eat and drink what I want" can cause confusion and tension within ourselves. When we have conflicting desires like this, our brain and mind can become overwhelmed and unsure of which direction to take.

Our brain operate like old computers, needing clear and concise instructions to function properly. When we send mixed signals like "I want x but I want y too," it can lead to errors, glitches, or even a complete shutdown of our mental processes.

It's important to give our brains clear and specific instructions on what we want and need, leaving out any conflicting messages that may lead to confusion. Learning to resolve inner conflicts…


There is a significant difference between responding and reacting. One we have to learn.

reacting vs responding to life will impact how you experience every day life

Responding and reacting are two separate actions that can greatly influence our relationships and overall mental, emotional and physical health.

Responding involves taking the time to consider a situation, gathering information, and then choosing the best course of action based on that information and considering your own personal values, morals, principles, and beliefs. It requires thoughtful reflection and the ability to weigh the consequences of your actions.

Responding allows for a more intentional and thoughtful approach to handling any given situation, rather than reacting impulsively. By responding instead of reacting, we can often make more informed decisions and act in a way that aligns with our values and goals. Leaving the situation with self-confidence and pride, knowing that what was said, done, or what behaviors were exhibited were in your own best interest. this does require thoughtfulness and self-awareness.

Some react when I point this out as time consuming and…

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What belief about yourself or the situation bothering you right now is fueling your current feelings?

beliefs are what you deeply believe and could be a source of your misery

Consider examining the underlying beliefs you hold about yourself or the situation that is causing your distress.

These beliefs will fuel your emotions and influence your reactions. By being aware of the underlying beliefs, and identifying and challenging these beliefs, you may be able to gain a new perspective and find ways to fuel the feelings you want to have.

In each session with different clients, I make a point to identify beliefs that they may not be aware of. To help raise awareness, I decided to include some common ones.

A belief is a subjective attitude that something is true, shaping how we perceive and interact with the world. Many of the beliefs that create suffering operate non-consciously, influencing thoughts, feelings, and actions without us even realizing it.

1. “I Need to Control Everything to Be Okay.”

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What's something that's greatly improved your mental, emotional or physical health?

There are countless ways in which individuals can greatly improve their mental, emotional, and physical health. Notice how they have a sensory regulation component. We can become more conscious, awake, and feel ourselves when we activate one of our five senses for more than 3 seconds. (sight, smell, taste, hearing, feeling)

Below are 15 simple, low-cost (or free) activities that can greatly improve mental, emotional, and physical health any day of the week:

1. Take a Walk in Nature -Fresh air, movement, and natural surroundings reduce stress, boost mood, and improve heart health.

2. Practice Deep Breathing or Meditation -Even 5-10 minutes of deep breathing or mindfulness can lower anxiety, increase focus, and enhance relaxation.

3. Journal Your Thoughts & Gratitude -Writing down what’s on your mind or listing 3 things you’re grateful for can shift your mindset and boost positivity.

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Who or what are you giving the power to control your emotions right now?

Where does happiness come from?

It is important to be conscious of who or what is influencing your emotional state, as giving away that power can have significant impacts on your well-being. Take a moment to reflect on whether it is a person, situation, or internal thought pattern that is dictating how you feel.

By recognizing and seeing what of these influence you the most, you can empower yourself to navigate your emotions in a more intentional and healthy way.

Remember, you have the ability to choose how you respond to external stimuli and ultimately hold the power to command your own emotional reactions.

Who or what are you allowing to hold sway over your emotions at this very moment?

If you're living a life where you're blaming people, places, things, situations, and circumstances for how you feel you're likely living a life that feels overwhelming, heavy, isolated, and uncertain... there's a whole different way…


What if your frustration isn’t caused by the situation itself but by your resistance to what’s happening?

resisting what is makes things appear a way they are not

What if your frustration isn't solely a result of the circumstances you find yourself in, but rather a product of your own inner resistance to accepting and adapting to what is currently unfolding in your life?

Resistance is often deep thoughts that are in your non-conscious mind. We can hear it, if we slow down, get silent and ask ourselves insightful questions. The key is being open and willing to hear what you might not want to hear.

Resistance can manifest in many forms, such as procrastination, self-doubt, or fear of failure. By being open to exploring these underlying thoughts and emotions, we can begin to understand the root causes of our resistance.

Sometimes, our struggles and challenges can feel even more overwhelming when we resist them, rather than approaching them with a sense of openness and willingness to learn and grow from the experience.

By acknowledging and releasing our…


Embrace your individuality and trust in your creative instincts

be yourself, put your own needs first and see that you're more satisfied with life and show up as the best version of yourself for others

Bingo and you'll lose yourself in the process. I see this a lot with first responders, nurses, teachers and stay at home mothers..

When we spend years, decades serving and putting others first we lose grip with our own values, principles, likes, desires and goals.. doesn't have to be this way.. it happens naturally unknowingly.

If you are constantly preoccupied with concerns about how others perceive you, it can inhibit your ability to freely express yourself and tap into your creative potential. When you allow fear of judgment to dictate your actions, you may find yourself holding back and not fully embracing your unique ideas and talents. It is important to remember that true creativity often comes from a place of authenticity and self-expression, without being overly influenced by external opinions. By letting go of the need for approval from others, you can unlock your creativity and bring forth truly…



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    • 1 Mar Sat | 'Transforming 'They Make Me Feel' Into Ownership and Freedom"'

    • 20 Feb Thu | 'A Fresh Conversation on Preventing Burnout'

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