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Image by Alice Donovan Rouse
Image by Andrew Neel
Image by Kalen Emsley
Image by Matthew Sleeper
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Image by Boxed Water Is Better
Image by Ashley Whitlatch
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Image by Brett Jordan
Image by Elizeu Dias
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Image by Markus Winkler
Image by Dino Reichmuth
Image by Alex Block
Image by Scott Goodwill
Image by Katrina Wright
Image by Brad Mills
Image by Viktor Forgacs
Image by Annie Spratt

Voices for Change

Public·62 members

Time goes by so fast. Never miss an opportunity to tell people how much they mean to you.

kindness is contagious start the momentum. love

Time passes by no matter what and leaves you with either results or regret.

Time never pausing for anyone or anything. It is during these fleeting moments that we are presented with the opportunity to either embrace the outcomes of our actions or be burdened with the weight of regret. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of what truly matters.

Time is a precious gift, the most valuable resource we have that should not be squandered.

Each passing moment is a chance to show appreciation, express love, and extend gratitude to those who enrich our lives. Whether it be a simple thank you, a heartfelt gesture, or a kind word, these small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on those around us.

Life is full of uncertainties, grief, love, fear, excitement and surprises,…


The Source of Healthy Personal Boundaries is Self-love and Self-respect

Building a strong love for yourself and life is important and can make your life better in many ways.

Building a strong love for yourself and life is important and can make your life better in many ways.

When you prioritize your own needs and set personal boundaries that honor and guard your mental, emotional and physical health, you are investing in your overall well-being.

When we place boulders in our schedule that honor and prioritize our needs first and foremost, and let the rest of life fall in the left over gaps, we show up with a full battery and bandwidth. We are able to give our best selves to those around us, rather than running on empty and feeling depleted, hoping that there will be time left in the day to do the things that recharge us. This belief is giving other people the best parts of you, and you're left with the scraps or leftovers.

By setting person boundaries(rules or in other words, parameters), we are…


All emotions go up and down, we can't cry for ever, or laugh forever it always comes back to baseline.

thoughts and emotions are like clouds they come and go

All emotions are like clouds in the sky, they are consistently flowing in and out, floating by. Just as clouds come and go, emotions also come and go.

We have 40,000-80,000 thoughts a day, many are the same thoughts as the day before. We can't stop or control them, we can understand them greater and there's tremendous power felt as a result.

By becoming more aware of our thoughts and understanding them, we can begin to shift our thoughts, fueling the ones we want to create more of and create positive change in our lives as a result. This awareness allows us to harness the power within our thoughts and use them to our advantage. It is through this understanding that we can learn to train our brain to work for us rather than against us.

It's important to remember that emotions are temporary and not permanent.

We experience moments…


Humans often avoid triggers, when we resolve them, it sets us free.

every emotion is valid, it's a symptom of thought

As funny yet complex human beings, we have a tendency to spend a significant amount of time and energy avoiding, suppressing, numbing out from and denying our emotions. We often try to escape from uncomfortable feelings by distracting ourselves with activities, substances, or even by pretending that everything is fine.

However, avoiding our emotions only leads to more inner turmoil and can prevent us from truly understanding ourselves and finding peace.

It is important to acknowledge and process our emotions in order to heal and grow as individuals. situations, people, or things that trigger us emotionally. This can be a natural response to protect ourselves from discomfort or pain. However, by constantly avoiding these triggers, we may find ourselves stuck in a cycle of fear and limitation.

Every emotion is valid, it's rooted in what you are thinking and believing in that moment, that is it. The event, person, place…

Unknown member
3 days ago

Great article! I am learning to understand my triggers, and why it elicits an uncomfortable emotion. Learning the "tools" on how understand and resolve triggers has been so valuable. No one is responsible for how I am feeling, but me!


The only problem that needs to be solved is the belief that there is a problem that needs to be solved.

the problem is created by a mindset

This quote highlights the importance of perception and mindset in addressing challenges.

Often, our perception of a situation as a problem can be the biggest obstacle to finding a solution. By being open to seeing things from more than one angle, shifting our perspective, and embracing a more positive and proactive mindset, we can overcome obstacles more effectively and approach challenges with a sense of hope and possibility.

It is essential to recognize that sometimes what we perceive as problems are simply opportunities for learning and development. When we hit a wall or a sticky spot, it's a signal that's all. I love it when I find these because I know it's time to deepen my consciousness and look for the way through. Leaning in, versus running, hiding, suppressing, numbing out, avoiding, or just as bad, getting angry and resisting.

By getting curious we can unlock new doors and broaden…


The people you spend time with influence you

If your best friend eats healthy, you are 5x more likely to eat healthily. Choose your friends wisely

If your closest friends exercise regularly, you are significantly more likely to stay active as well. Surround yourself with people who prioritize health!

the people you spend time with influence you in good and bad ways

If the people around you have a growth mindset, you’ll be more inclined to embrace challenges and personal development. Successful achieving individuals love to share what they are learning and it becomes a draw to learn and share as well.

If you surround yourself with a social circle that tends to gossip, blame and complain on a regular basis, it is highly probable that you will be drawn into participating in the same negative behavior.

People with financially responsible friends tend to develop better money habits and avoid unnecessary debt. Are your friends helping or hurting your financial future?


There is a significant difference between responding and reacting. One we have to learn.

reacting vs responding to life will impact how you experience every day life

Responding and reacting are two separate actions that can greatly influence our relationships and overall mental, emotional and physical health.

Responding involves taking the time to consider a situation, gathering information, and then choosing the best course of action based on that information and considering your own personal values, morals, principles, and beliefs. It requires thoughtful reflection and the ability to weigh the consequences of your actions.

Responding allows for a more intentional and thoughtful approach to handling any given situation, rather than reacting impulsively. By responding instead of reacting, we can often make more informed decisions and act in a way that aligns with our values and goals. Leaving the situation with self-confidence and pride, knowing that what was said, done, or what behaviors were exhibited were in your own best interest. this does require thoughtfulness and self-awareness.

Some react when I point this out as time consuming and…

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Communication is a skill that takes continual practice

It's truly a remarkable phenomenon how we, as humans, are able to effectively communicate with one another. The ability to express ourselves in a way that is both clear and understanding is a skill that should not be taken for granted. It is a true testament to the complexity and beauty of human interaction.

When we are able to communicate healthfully, not only are we able to convey our thoughts and feelings accurately, but we are also able to truly connect with those around us. Being able to understand the nuances of what someone is trying to communicate beyond just their words is a powerful tool in building strong relationships and fostering meaningful connections.

I love coaching my clients on healthy communication.

It's usually not the upfront need, however inevitably it's in most every single coaching session.

In a world where misunderstandings and miscommunications are all too common, the ability…

Embrace your individuality and trust in your creative instincts

be yourself, put your own needs first and see that you're more satisfied with life and show up as the best version of yourself for others

Bingo and you'll lose yourself in the process. I see this a lot with first responders, nurses, teachers and stay at home mothers..

When we spend years, decades serving and putting others first we lose grip with our own values, principles, likes, desires and goals.. doesn't have to be this way.. it happens naturally unknowingly.

If you are constantly preoccupied with concerns about how others perceive you, it can inhibit your ability to freely express yourself and tap into your creative potential. When you allow fear of judgment to dictate your actions, you may find yourself holding back and not fully embracing your unique ideas and talents. It is important to remember that true creativity often comes from a place of authenticity and self-expression, without being overly influenced by external opinions. By letting go of the need for approval from others, you can unlock your creativity and bring forth truly…


The more triggers you heal, the calmer you become.

intentionally focus on one trigger at a time, seek help and support in healing

Taking back your power and focusing on one trigger at a time and healing what causes you stress and anxiety, you will notice a gradual sense of calmness washing over you.

Each trigger that you address and overcome brings you closer to a state of inner peace and tranquility.(or insert other words to describe how you want to feel)

By acknowledging and working through these triggers, you are taking proactive steps towards improving your emotional well-being and achieving a greater sense of overall calmness in your life.

Remember that healing is a process, and with each trigger you heal, you are one step closer to a more serene and balanced state of mind.


You and only you are responsible for your actions, and non-actions

take full responsibility for yourself and see how your connections grow

It is important to understand that the choices we make in life ultimately define who we are. (note our Our thoughts do not determine who we are.

It is important to fully take responsibility for our actions, regardless of the outcome. If we take action and make an error, own the mistake and learn from it, declare it by being honest. By acknowledging our mistakes and taking responsibility, we can grow and improve as individuals. We build trust and authenticity as a result with ourselves and others.

Blaming others or making excuses only hinders our personal development and prevents us from moving forward. It is essential to be accountable for our actions in order to build trust and integrity with others.

By recognizing our own agency, we empower ourselves to take control of our destiny and shape our future.

Remember, every decision we make, or choose not to make, has…


Taking ownership of your behaviors will set you free, vs blaming others.

Taking ownership of your actions and decisions is a powerful and empowering choice that can lead to personal growth and freedom.

asleep to your life

Logically all of you will shake your head and agree. Do you deeply understand what this means or requires?

It requires learning to be present, observing your life, and using your brain and mind to work for you rather than coasting through life on cruise control. Reacting, and letting your old patterns, habits, cycles and behaviors though well meaning drive the ship.

When we accept responsibility for our choices, we free ourselves from the trap of blame and victimhood. We free ourselves from feeling pushed around by life, and we begin to see what opportunities are before us.

By shifting the focus from pointing fingers at anything outside us (people, places, things, situations and circumstances) to looking inward and reflecting on our own thoughts, feelings and actions that are…


You will be set free when taking ownership of your experience in your life. You will be un-triggerable.

Fully embrace and understand your life experiences on a deeper level for unmatched freedom and resilience. Take control of your happiness and well-being to become unshakable against external triggers. By being conscious and empowered, navigate life with grace for a more fulfilling existence.

When you fully embrace and understand your experiences in life deeper than an logical level, you will discover a level of freedom that is unmatched.

By embracing your journey and acknowledging the power you have over your own happiness and well-being, you will become unshakable and immune to external triggers. When we unknowingly give our happiness and power to feel how we want to things outside us we are the puppet and life(all things externally) is our master. This level of consciousness and empowerment will allow you to navigate life's ups and downs with grace and resilience, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic existence.

Who understands what I point to, and who is unsure and want to know more?

Unknown member
Feb 01

For sure. Triggers are for me to work on. No one else.

People that are unkind in the world are the most unkind to themselves.

This points to how important it is to understand and care about others when we interact with them. This doesn't mean sympathize or condone poor behavior. It means, as Mel Robbins would say, "Let them" and use your natural born gift of compassion to see for a moment how miserable and awful it must be to live with themselves and the harshness they must be a part of consistently every day. I call that mental torture.


When we encounter individuals who treat us negatively, whether they are people we come across in our daily lives or those we are connected to by birth or circumstance, it is crucial to respond with understanding and kindness. By showing empathy towards those who exhibit unkind behavior, we not only demonstrate our own strength (not be like them) and character, and we also have the power to potentially change their perspective and behavior. (be…

Unknown member
Jan 30

Operating from compassion is so much easier than operating from anger or judgement

If you don't take ownership of your emotions you'll live in the feeling of BLAME.


We have all encountered individuals who seem to be in a constant state of complaining, blaming and negativity. Their constant moaning and groaning can be quite draining, not just for themselves but for those around them as well. It's like a contagious virus that spreads negativity wherever it goes.

What many fail to realize is that by constantly blaming external factors for their unhappiness, they are giving up their power to those very things they blame. It's a cycle that can be difficult to break, especially when one is unaware of how often they engage in this behavior.

During coaching sessions with brand new clients, I often hear this pattern of blaming and complaining emerge. It's eye-opening for them to realize just how frequently they engage in this behavior without even realizing it. This lack of awareness can be a major invisible roadblock to personal growth and happiness.

That's where…

Unknown member
Jan 30

I’m hyper aware of when the blame and complaining surfaces in my thoughts I’m pretty surprised how often it occurs. I appreciate this awareness for I choose not to react. I choose to respond or more often just be.

If you want to change the future, start living as if you're already there.

By visualizing ourselves in the future we desire, we can begin to make the necessary changes in our current actions and behaviors to align with that vision.

Unknown member
Jan 29

If you can’t visualize it, dream about it, create a movie or images in your mind and imagination it won’t come true.


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    • 1 Mar Sat | 'Transforming 'They Make Me Feel' Into Ownership and Freedom"'

    • 20 Feb Thu | 'A Fresh Conversation on Preventing Burnout'

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