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Voices for Change

Public·62 members

The Source of Healthy Personal Boundaries is Self-love and Self-respect

Building a strong love for yourself and life is important and can make your life better in many ways.

Building a strong love for yourself and life is important and can make your life better in many ways.

When you prioritize your own needs and set personal boundaries that honor and guard your mental, emotional and physical health, you are investing in your overall well-being.

When we place boulders in our schedule that honor and prioritize our needs first and foremost, and let the rest of life fall in the left over gaps, we show up with a full battery and bandwidth. We are able to give our best selves to those around us, rather than running on empty and feeling depleted, hoping that there will be time left in the day to do the things that recharge us. This belief is giving other people the best parts of you, and you're left with the scraps or leftovers.

By setting person boundaries(rules or in other words, parameters), we are able to protect our time and energy, allowing us to be more present and effective in our interactions and responsibilities. This self-care practice ultimately benefits not only ourselves, but also those we care about and serve.

The response to this concept or approach is frequently met with the criticism of being labeled as "selfish." However, the true act of selfishness lies in presenting oneself to friends, family, colleagues, and the society with only 10% battery life remaining, harboring feelings of bitterness and resentment. By taking care of ourselves first, we are better equipped to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of those around us.

And being ok with the things that don't fit in our time allowing and empowering other people to take responsibility and step up to handle those tasks or responsibilities.

When we overperform in relationships, naturally others will underperform.

By setting personal boundaries and taking care of ourselves, we are able to create space for others to grow and thrive. It's important to remember that self-care is not selfish, but rather essential for our overall well-being and ability to show up as our best selves for those around us.

By learning to love yourself and life, you are empowering yourself to make choices that align with your values, morals, principles, and bring you happiness, meaning, and fulfillment.

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How are you prioritizing your mental, emotional and physical health?



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