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Voices for Change

Public·62 members

Are you living courageously?

life begins to change when we do things differently outside the normal

For me living courageously means facing my fears, leaning into them with curiosity and taking risks in order to grow and adapt to new levels, building resilience and strength.

Courage means stepping outside of the comfort zone and challenging ourselves to grow and evolve.

For some, being courageous may mean speaking up for what they believe in, even if it goes against the status quo. For others, it may mean making a bold career move or starting a new venture. For others it might mean saying no for the first time. Others it might be leaving a job that's been unfulfilling for a long time. It could mean for some leaving a relationship that's been stuck for years or decades.

When we live courageously, our actions are a reflection of our deepest morals, values, principles, and beliefs. Very few people know without a doubt what these are, and are stuck in the conflict of what to do seeking advice and opinions online or from other people, drifting them further and further from their truth. The answers are never outside of you.

Living courageously is necessary in order to live a fulfilling and authentic life.

Courage is a virtue that points us to come face to face with our fears head-on, armed with a sense of optimism and determination(positive feeling) to overcome our constraints, societal conditioning, and outdated beliefs. It is a reminder that our past does not dictate our future; we are not defined by the events that have shaped us unless we choose to dwell on them and let them control our present moment.

By letting go of the past (could be the past version of yourself or could be defined by treatment of other) and refusing to be defined by it, we open ourselves up to new possibilities, growth, and transformation. It is only when we break free from the chains of our past that we can break free from the repetitive cycles of suffering, self-sabotage, and victimhood that hold us back from reaching our full potential. Embracing courage means stepping into the unknown with a sense of faith and resilience, ready to embrace the challenges that come our way and emerge stronger on the other side.

Ask yourself:

  • Am I living courageously?

  • What steps can I take today to embrace courage and step into my fullest potential?

  • What am I willing to let go of to open up space for something new and exciting?

To add more into your life it's like pruning rose bushes you have to cut back the old outdated dead branches to make room for the new to grow in. Similarly, in order to make space for new experiences, opportunities, and relationships in your life, it is important to let go of the things that no longer serve you. Just like how pruning rose bushes allows for new growth and blossoms, clearing out the old can create space for fresh and positive changes. It may be difficult to let go of the past, but doing so can lead to a more fulfilling and enriching life.

"Courage is about learning how to function despite the fear, to put aside your instincts to run or give in completely to the anger born from fear. Courage is about using your brain and your heart when every cell of your body is screaming at you to fight or flee—and then following through on what you believe is the right thing to do." ― Jim Butcher

What thoughts come up as you read this?

What's one thing you're going to do today that takes courage, please share below, I love hearing your stories and revelations!

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