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When we hold a person at fault in our mind, that’s all we see.

kind compassionate open hearted

In the realm of relationships, it can be all too easy to fall into the trap of holding onto grudges, complaining and pointing fingers. When we allow ourselves to focus solely on the faults of our partner or loved ones, it can cloud our perception, become pessimistic and hinder our ability to see the bigger picture.

It's human nature to feel hurt and disappointed when someone we care about lets us down. However, it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. When we are in a low mood, we can also start to push our agendas, rules, and "how things should be done" onto those that we care about, unknowingly.

When we hold a person at fault in our mind, that's all we see. We become fixated on their shortcomings and flaws, failing to appreciate their positive qualities and the love they bring into our lives.



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Use of the Tool of Thought for, or Against Yourself

our thoughts hold power

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life without taking a moment to pause and reflect. This lack of understanding and awareness can have detrimental effects on our mental and emotional well-being.

The more unaware we are, the less we understand how our thoughts, brain, thoughts, and consciousness work. The more at risk we are for unhelpful habits to form and create a lot of suffering in our lives.

One powerful tool that we can use to cultivate awareness is the tool of thought. Our thoughts have the power to shape our reality and influence our emotions and actions. By being mindful of our thoughts and how they impact us, we can harness this tool for our benefit.

Train your brain to work for your rather than against you.

It is important to recognize that our thoughts can also work…


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A secret skill is giving a positive meaning to what you want to move forward on.

how to achieve your goals

Setting goals is an essential part of personal growth and development. Whether it's aiming for a promotion at work, improving your health and fitness, or learning a new skill, having clear goals can give you direction and motivation to keep moving forward.

Setting goals is just the beginning of the journey towards success.

It is essential to have a secret skill that goes beyond simply setting objectives - the ability to attach a healthy, positive meaning to your goals. This involves intentionally developing a deep, visceral connection to your desires, something that goes beyond mere affirmations. While affirmations are useful, they can lose their impact over time as the brain becomes desensitized to them. What is needed is a profound emotional and physical reaction in your body, in your soul when you think, imagine, and visualize yourself taking the necessary steps towards achieving your goals.

It is this emotional connection…


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Look for the 2% with Curiosity

be open and curious

In the complex world of relationships, it's easy to get caught up in our own emotions and perspectives.

We often find ourselves becoming defensive or taking offense when others provide feedback or share their opinions. What if we approached these situations with a different mindset?

There's a saying that there is at least 2% truth in what others say. This notion challenges us to remain open-minded and curious when receiving feedback or criticisms. Rather than immediately dismissing someone else's perspective, we can choose to look for that 2% of truth and consider how it might apply to our own behaviors or attitudes.

It's important to remember that taking offense or getting defensive is a sign of emotional immaturity. It doesn't necessarily mean that the other person is right or that we are wrong, or justify what they said. Instead, it provides an opportunity for growth and self-reflection.

Intentionally working on…


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We operate from the inside out, it sometimes appears as thought it's outside in.

understand what creates your reality

Relationships are a complex and intricate dance of emotions, communication, and understanding. It's easy to get caught up in the external factors of a relationship, such as what the other person said or did, and attribute our feelings of upset or frustration to those external factors.

However, if we take a moment to pause and reflect, we may realize that the root of our upset lies within us.

We operate from the inside out, but it sometimes appears as though it's outside in.

This illusion can cloud our judgment and prevent us from truly understanding the dynamics of our relationships. The last time we got upset or frustrated with someone or in a situation, it's likely that the upset was generated from within us. It was fueled by the stories we told ourselves, the beliefs we held about what was said or done, and the meaning we assigned to the…


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Your partner isn’t responsible for your feelings—your thinking is.

regulate your own emotions

As human beings, we often look to others to validate our feelings and emotions. It's natural to seek comfort and support from our partners when we're feeling down or upset. The harm in colluding is that you stay stuck. Well-meaning friends and family will tell you that you're right and the other person is wrong. This reinforces what might be a coping mechanism and keeps you disempowered.

Having a powerful coach on your team as a resource is crucial for navigating the challenges and troubles that may arise on your journey. A skilled coach, such as myself, can help you identify your blind spots and provide objective guidance without taking sides. You'll walk away from a coaching session accessing greater conscious awareness and deeply connected to how to move forward powerfully. Many clients over the years buy a package of sessions to get a tune up now and then.


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To Lower your Stress: Is to take nothing personally.

your emotions are yours

In today's fast-paced world, where everyone is busy and there's never enough time, stress seems to be the norm rather than the exception. It's essential to take a step back and reevaluate how we approach our relationships. One key aspect to lowering our stress levels is to not take things personally.

Stress: The Oxford dictionary definition of STRESS is a state of mental and emotional strain. There is no cause for stress; it is merely a state of mind. Stress is inside out, not outside in. Seeing and experiencing how we create our reality can completely change your perspective and how resilient you can be.

So many clients are shook when I point out where their feelings come from. We are conditioned to believe they come from an outside in paradigm, for economic reasons. We humans tend to buy things on emotions as a result. The Oxford dictionary definition of…


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Everyone is your Teacher..

learn from every thing that comes into your life

By recognizing that every person and situation in your life is a teacher, you can start to approach challenges with a sense of curiosity and openness.

Instead of seeing difficult people as obstacles, you can view them as opportunities for personal growth and development. Embracing the idea that everyone has something to teach you can lead to deeper connections and a greater understanding of yourself and others.

Next time you encounter a challenging person or situation, try to see it as a valuable lesson and a chance to learn and grow. When you shift your perspective in this way, you open yourself up to new possibilities and insights that can help you navigate through life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Every interaction and experience has the potential to teach you something valuable, so approach each moment with an attitude of curiosity and a willingness to learn. In doing so, you…


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In What ways are you Hard on Yourself?

shift to self compassion

  • How's is being hard on yourself working out for you over your life?

  • What's it preventing you from experiencing?

  • What's the cost of being hard on yourself?

  • How do you treat yourself and others?

Self-compassion is a concept that many of us struggle with. We often find ourselves being our own worst critics/enemies, constantly berating ourselves for not being good enough or not living up to our own expectations.

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