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Image by Alice Donovan Rouse
Image by Andrew Neel
Image by Kalen Emsley
Image by Matthew Sleeper
Image by roya ann miller
Image by Boxed Water Is Better
Image by Ashley Whitlatch
Image by Alice Dietrich
Image by Possessed Photography
Image by Vicko Mozara
Image by Brett Jordan
Image by Elizeu Dias
Image by Jack B
Image by Markus Winkler
Image by Dino Reichmuth
Image by Alex Block
Image by Scott Goodwill
Image by Katrina Wright
Image by Brad Mills
Image by Viktor Forgacs
Image by Annie Spratt

Voices for Change

Public·62 members


Communication is a skill that takes continual practice

It's truly a remarkable phenomenon how we, as humans, are able to effectively communicate with one another. The ability to express ourselves in a way that is both clear and understanding is a skill that should not be taken for granted. It is a true testament to the complexity and beauty of human interaction.

When we are able to communicate healthfully, not only are we able to convey our thoughts and feelings accurately, but we are also able to truly connect with those around us. Being able to understand the nuances of what someone is trying to communicate beyond just their words is a powerful tool in building strong relationships and fostering meaningful connections.

I love coaching my clients on healthy communication.

It's usually not the upfront need, however inevitably it's in most every single coaching session.

In a world where misunderstandings and miscommunications are all too common, the ability to effectively communicate is a valuable skill. It takes daily intention, practice, patience, and empathy to truly understand and be understood by others.

When we put in the effort to communicate openly and honestly, the results can be truly transformative.

What or who do you find it difficult to communicate with?


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