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Image by Alice Donovan Rouse
Image by Andrew Neel
Image by Kalen Emsley
Image by Matthew Sleeper
Image by roya ann miller
Image by Boxed Water Is Better
Image by Ashley Whitlatch
Image by Alice Dietrich
Image by Possessed Photography
Image by Vicko Mozara
Image by Brett Jordan
Image by Elizeu Dias
Image by Jack B
Image by Markus Winkler
Image by Dino Reichmuth
Image by Alex Block
Image by Scott Goodwill
Image by Katrina Wright
Image by Brad Mills
Image by Viktor Forgacs
Image by Annie Spratt

Voices for Change

Public·62 members

How can you become more of an observer of life vs being reactive to life?

Observe life so you can see how much more choice you have

Transitioning into a more observational role in life requires an intentional conscious effort to pause and reflect before reacting impulsively to situations or intrusive thoughts(any thoughts that are conditioned).

By taking a step back and observing the world around you, you can gain a deeper understanding and witness your own thoughts and emotions, seeing clearer and clearer you're the creator of your reality.

This shift in perspective allows you to approach any of life's happenings with a sense of calm, clarity, information, and a sense of control rather than being driven by immediate reactions.

Practicing being more and more present and conscious can help you develop the skills needed to navigate life with a more observant mindset. By cultivating a habit of reflection and introspection, you can learn to respond thoughtfully to situations, rather than simply reacting in the heat of the moment. Like anything it takes practice, so start now! This is a skill that takes daily intentional practice, like a muscle it will atrophy and old habits will resurface.

How conscious, awake, self aware, or mindful are you on a scale of 1-10? (1=not at all, 10=Monk level of conscious awareness)

Unknown member
Feb 01

Slowing down and becoming more awake and see how my mind can be so seductive in creating meaning where it’s not needed


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  • 1 Mar Sat | 'Transforming 'They Make Me Feel' Into Ownership and Freedom"'

  • 20 Feb Thu | 'A Fresh Conversation on Preventing Burnout'

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