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Image by Alice Donovan Rouse
Image by Andrew Neel
Image by Kalen Emsley
Image by Matthew Sleeper
Image by roya ann miller
Image by Boxed Water Is Better
Image by Ashley Whitlatch
Image by Alice Dietrich
Image by Possessed Photography
Image by Vicko Mozara
Image by Brett Jordan
Image by Elizeu Dias
Image by Jack B
Image by Markus Winkler
Image by Dino Reichmuth
Image by Alex Block
Image by Scott Goodwill
Image by Katrina Wright
Image by Brad Mills
Image by Viktor Forgacs
Image by Annie Spratt

Voices for Change

Public·62 members

People who rarely receive criticism often take feedback too personally and miss opportunities to learn.

ask for feedback and evolve in your life, learn and grow

People who rarely receive criticism often struggle to see it as a valuable tool for growth and development.

Feedback isn't personal. Unless we make it that way.

Words from another have no meaning until we make it mean something.

Insecurities and suffering occur when we believe a part of it, even 1% of what is said is true.

Think about it, assuming you do not have purple hair, if you and me were walking down a busy street and never met and I suddenly pass you and point at your hair and said "I hate your F***ing purple hair", would you be hurt, offended, embarrassed, ashamed, or angry? Not likely, you'd think "wow she's nuts". There's not even 2% truth in my statement.

Are you living courageously?

life begins to change when we do things differently outside the normal

For me living courageously means facing my fears, leaning into them with curiosity and taking risks in order to grow and adapt to new levels, building resilience and strength.

Courage means stepping outside of the comfort zone and challenging ourselves to grow and evolve.

For some, being courageous may mean speaking up for what they believe in, even if it goes against the status quo. For others, it may mean making a bold career move or starting a new venture. For others it might mean saying no for the first time. Others it might be leaving a job that's been unfulfilling for a long time. It could mean for some leaving a relationship that's been stuck for years or decades.

When we live courageously, our actions are a reflection of our deepest morals, values, principles, and beliefs. Very few people know without a doubt what these are, and are stuck…

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Since your thoughts create your reality, what are you currently creating for yourself?

When you deeply believe in yourself you are free to dream

When we look deeper at how our thoughts affect our lives, it's clear that our beliefs play a big role in making our wishes come true. It's not just about wishing for something to happen, it's not making a wish board, journaling every night, it's working on truly believing in the possibility of it coming true. Every word we speak, every thought we think, and every emotion we feel carries a certain energy that can either attract or repel what we want in our lives.

When we deeply believe in anything we can clearly see what actions to take daily to get, obtain, have or create what it is that we want for ourselves.

Take a moment to reflect on how you talk about the things you value, cherish, and aspire to. Are your words and beliefs aligned with your deepest desires?

We funny humans can want a lot of…

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Where does the struggle originate? If it's inside of you that is good news!

when the battle is in our head that's good news, it's easy to fix and within your control

The struggle almost always originates from within ourselves, stemming from our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and stories we are buying into.

When confronted with challenges or obstacles, it can be confusing and appear that the source is something or many things coming at us from the outside.

The presence of struggle is NOT a sign of weakness. It's a smoke alarm, an alert system, a siren pointing to something that needs healing, repairing, and an upleveling of emotional intelligence. When we avoid, want to box up feelings, and throw away the key, this trigger will most definitely lay dormant and erupt like a volcano somewhere, sometime, causing even more damage, suffering, destruction, and chaos than if we had faced it head on.

It's important to acknowledge our struggles, confront them, and work through them in order to truly grow and evolve as individuals. Ignoring our emotions only leads to further pain…



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  • 1 Mar Sat | 'Transforming 'They Make Me Feel' Into Ownership and Freedom"'

  • 20 Feb Thu | 'A Fresh Conversation on Preventing Burnout'

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