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Voices for Change

Public·63 members

What's a conflict you're struggling with? Example. I love my body, BUT I will eat and drink what I want.

Eating healthy will not over ride the strong feeling of "loving food"

One common conflict that many people struggle with is the battle between wanting to love and accept their body, while also wanting to indulge in whatever food and drink they desire. This inner conflict of "I love my body, BUT I will eat and drink what I want" can cause confusion and tension within ourselves. When we have conflicting desires like this, our brain and mind can become overwhelmed and unsure of which direction to take.

Our brain operate like old computers, needing clear and concise instructions to function properly. When we send mixed signals like "I want x but I want y too," it can lead to errors, glitches, or even a complete shutdown of our mental processes.

It's important to give our brains clear and specific instructions on what we want and need, leaving out any conflicting messages that may lead to confusion. Learning to resolve inner conflicts and communicate effectively with ourselves is key to maintaining a healthy and balanced mindset.

We can't live in a paradox of:

"I love food and will never give it up, that's not living, no one or nothing will tell me I can't have what I am craving. And I want to look think, love my body again and grab the attention of other people when I enter a room, I should make changes to my diet and lifestyle in order to achieve my goals. To get what I desire I will work out every day for two hours a day."

This isn't sustainable for the majority of people, not even me.

What's an internal conflict that you're struggling with?



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