A Busy Sped up Mind combined with Feelings of Fear=Anxiety

Having a busy, sped up mind combined with feelings of fear can often lead to the development of anxiety.
When our thoughts are racing and we are constantly worrying about what could go wrong, it is no doubt overwhelming and exhausting. We are thinking feeling beings, we feel our thoughts.
Have you ever stopped to consider what creates any feeling?
I always pose this question to my new coaching clients during our initial session, and without fail, the responses tend to veer towards blaming external factors or engaging in a bit of complaining. What if we were to take a step back and consider a more simplistic perspective? What if, instead of attributing our feelings to outside influences, we were to recognize the incredible power of our own brilliant brains at work?
Our brain is constantly processing information, interpreting situations, and generating emotions in response to our nervous system. It's…