“How to stay mindful when no one else is?”

Submitted Request..

This post is an answer to a submitted question. It aims to provide help and solutions to overcome the issue.

Podcast version: HERE

Quote:  “Align your actions with your values and principles, instead of being influenced by outside pressures or distractions.” 

Adding to the quote:

It is important to align your actions with your values and principles, as this will ensure that you are staying true to yourself and living a life that is in line with what you believe in. By living a life influenced by others, trying to meet anyone's expectations, wants, desires besides our own, we ourselves get lost and lose our identity and self-worth. This usually isn’t discovered for years or decades later. It’s seductive and a misunderstanding how easy it is to slip into living a life seeking validation of others above your own. Avoid being swayed by outside pressures or distractions, stay true to yourself. It takes courage and determination to stay true to your values, but the rewards are worth it in the end. Stay focused on what truly matters to you and let that guide your actions every step of the way.

Submitted Question:

“How do you stay mindful when literally everyone around you isn't? Let's be real. The majority of the world is not mindful at all. They scroll all day, constantly stressed, caught up in drama and hate. How do you keep yourself motivated to be mindful when everyone else in the world isn't? It's so easy to just say "forget it, why do I even try?" and to join in on all of the drama and chaos."

My Response if we were in a coaching setting. Although without being able to ask questions, I may assume or use scenarios to fill in the gaps.

It's easy to fall into this thought trap.

We feel thoughts we believe and become attached to. 

And you could be right.

It's important to remember that everyone is on their own path in life, and what others choose to do or not do is ultimately up to them. We all have free-will. Whether they are living life on autopilot or making conscious choices, it's their journey to navigate. Choosing to be conscious, aware, and choosing in every moment how you want to feel and live your life is within your power and control. 

Letting go of the polarity, offers some peace of mind.

What if there is no right or wrong way to live, no good or bad decisions, and no better or worse paths to take? What if your reality is unique to you and what you are thinking and believing is fitting for you, and what they are thinking and believing is fitting for them?  It's all a matter of personal choice and what feels safe and comfortable for each individual. Focus on your own lane, your own business, your own reality, take all the energy and efforts that you have on a daily basis and build a life that you dream of. Let go and trust that others are doing what is best for them in their own unique journey.

By refraining from passing judgment on other people and their situation or circumstance, we free up valuable mental and emotional energy that can be channeled towards cultivating mindfulness or, as I personally like to think of it, consciousness. This shift in focus enables us to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, allowing us to fully experience the richness and vibrancy of life in all its colors. Embracing this mindset opens up new possibilities for growth, self-discovery, and connection with the present moment.

Dedicating your energy and attention to exploring your own journey of self-discovery is a constant and enriching pursuit. It requires a deep dive into your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions, unraveling the intricacies that make up your unique identity. When you deviate from this route and start to concentrate on matters of others, you find yourself operating on autopilot, disconnected from the present moment and the vibrant colors of life around you. This is when comparison starts to surface and putting people in buckets, and division starts to happen. The world seems to lose its vibrancy, fading into a black and white haze where time speeds up and you feel a sense of detachment from your physical being. In order to truly experience consciousness and live authentically, you must remain grounded in your own experiences and stay attuned to the richness of your unique inner world.

We don't have enough energy to manage and dictate other people's lives, it's enough to manage our own. 

Individuals who possess a strong inclination towards "fixing" others may often feel a compelling urge to rescue, repair, assist, or transform those around them. However, this approach frequently fails to have the desired impact. The recipients of such "help" may perceive it as an attempt to "fix" them, implying that they are somehow flawed, inadequate, defective or inferior. This mindset can be incredibly damaging to any form of relationship. Instead, it is advisable to lead by example and demonstrate the benefits of living a fulfilling and authentic life. Remember, it is not your responsibility to rescue or save others.

I have covered the term and meaning of motivation in many blogs, podcasts and posts. Motivation is a feeling word, where do ALL your feelings come from? Your thoughts. Motivation is within you at all times, that is if you choose to think and feel motivating thoughts. Do an evaluation of your environment, make certain you’re surrounding yourself with positive people, media and guarding your mental and emotional health. 

There are two types of creators in the world: Those who create things and those who find reasons why they can’t. What type of person are you?

I hope this helps.

I wish you all the best. 

Please share this with anyone you believe would benefit from the insights. Post a comment, I read and reply to them all. Thank you in advance!

If you want to send a question, please send to hello@katherine-hood.com please include: 

  • A coachable question (something that addresses what's in your control, your thoughts, feelings or actions.)
  • And context, explain a situation in the past, currently going through, or worries/concerns of the future, giving me some details on your thoughts and feelings about it. 

Work with Katherine

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