Have you ever found yourself in a state where your mind is racing with countless ideas, worries, and plans, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and scattered? It's a common experience for many of us, the good news is you're normal! The even better news is that there are ways to calm the chaos in your thought patterns, and change the habit of thought.
Like all habits they can be learned, and they can be unlearned.
Example of some thoughts that can be taxing and running wild: "try to relax and be more comfortable. Make sure to stand up straight... No, your posture is not correct, and your walking style seems strange! Nobody walks like that. It's an odd way of walking, perhaps the worst in the history of anyone on earth! Why are you moving so rigidly? You appear like a lifeless figure. Also, please don't hold the cup in that manner, it looks foolish! And now you've spilled your drink on yourself like a foolish child! It seems like everyone dislikes you now, maybe it would be best for you to leave! Oh wait, someone is trying to talk to you... Make sure to make eye contact and show interest. Oh wait, maybe you're making too much eye contact. Is it impolite to look away after prolonged eye contact? Look at their eye brows! I suppose I have to continue staring into their eyes now... Oh thank goodness, they've left. What were they even talking about? Why are they now laughing with someone else over there? Oh no, are they laughing at me? Oh no, it's probably best if you move to a different location now..."
If this sounds familiar I am here to help!
A lot of people think they are in action, but they are running in place. Their thoughts create the illusion that they are doing things, when all they are doing is overthinking.
With some support and coaching you'll discover this is proof that your brilliant brain is working super hard for you, again it is normal, common and doesn't have to be how it is.
We funny little humans can get conditioned and programmed to think in hyper overdrive. There's a good intention behind it, but the problem is it's exhausting and really destructive to your mental, emotional, and physical energy. It leaves you with little or no bandwidth at the end of the day or week to do the things you deeply enjoy and spend quality time with those you love.
As we navigate through life, it's amazing how easily we can become conditioned and programmed to think in hyper overdrive.
While there may be a good intention behind this constant mental stimulation, in fact new clients are clinging, gripping hard onto this thought loop with all their might, believing it's a superpower when in reality they are holding in their hand a hot coal. In a short time, with some trust in the process, they put the hot coal down and their whole world improves.
Thinking in a whirlwind of chaos is exhausting and detrimental to our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It leaves us with little bandwidth at the end of the day, or even the week, to truly engage in the activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, and to spend quality time with the people we love.
It's important to have space in each week, a capsule of time to take a step back and reassess our priorities, making sure to carve out time for self-care and relaxation amidst the chaos of our fast-paced world (that's what coaching provides). By doing so, we can cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life.
In summary, your brilliant mind is working super hard, with the help of a skilled coach you could train your brain to work for you, rather than against you and you'd have a life that you wouldn't need a vacation from!
Need support? Have you considered a life coach?
Want to train your brain to work for you rather than against your goals, I can help!
To see what it takes to work with me as your coach, click HERE